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Bliss By Violeta collections are inspired by women. They are colorful, unique and fascinating in their differences. Choosing one piece of clothing can turn into a long-lasting and beautiful friendship, because everyone in our company is thirsty for warm and cozy communication. We get to know our clients and build relationships based on sincere communication. Today we want to introduce you to another client of ours - a friend. She is an exceptional person and can inspire not only us, but also you, dear reader of Bliss By Violeta blog.

Eglė , 32-year - old woman, mother, wife , friend . Although she has a master's degree in law , she is currently looking for herself , decided to retrain, and started studying again . This should inspire the majority of women who are afraid to change something and work in a job that they do not like . Eglė believes that: "Creation and self -realization for every woman is joy , the sparkle of the eyes and the engine of life, it brings joy , happiness and freedom ." We asked Egla a few questions , read and enjoy , we hope you will find inspiration . _

What makes you happy and smile the most in life? Why? I could n't single out one thing that makes me the most happy . Many beautiful things bring joy - different joys and differently recognized joys , because sometimes they need to be discovered and recognized . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Happy summer , happy relatives, happy opportunity to learn and create. I feel mostly gratitude and at the same time joy for the situation that I could already change my profession and try to discover myself in other fields, other activities. Everything that happens in my life is like a gift and I want to accept it as much as possible .

Who made you the person you are now? I believe that growth and development is a lifelong process. By saying that I have already grown up, it is as if I have stopped in that process. As for people , the people closest to me raise me the most . They teach me the most important things : patience , acceptance , unconditionality .

In what area of ​​life do you feel you are successful, what makes you proud of yourself? I am glad that I decided to try something that was just my idea - retraining. I 'm glad I wasn't afraid to make the decision to go into another activity and just try. I surprised myself because I realized that I am brave and determined . I am glad that I found time to study, I have already started studying at the university.

How important is family/friends/strangers in your life? The family and the closest ones are the outer world that most reflects us . They are my most beloved, but also the people who require the most patience and love and acceptance lessons . They are very important to me and the further I go, the more I feel that they are the source of my growth, kindness and strength . Friends and other people I meet enrich me , give me joy and self - knowledge .

What inspires you? Do you have a life muse ? I am inspired by genuine and sincere people . _ _ How amazing it is when you don't know a person , you see him for the first time , but you feel something very close to him . I am inspired by travels and nature - then I rest, recharge, fill my insides . It is good to discover and see what is undiscovered, unknown and new , it is my inspiration .

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I think that where we were born is our place . I love my homeland , nature , people , but here I feel quite free and not tied to a specific place . I would love to live in different parts of the world, I would like to get to know different cultures , people , nature and cities. I wanted to visit several contrasting places: Japan, urban life in America , big cities in Europe, beautiful beaches on warm islands .

If you could do anything you wanted in your life, what would you do? Why? I think that every person can and has the freedom to choose to do what they want. It's just a matter of whether you have enough courage and the knowledge that you can do it. I think that's where I'm going and learning right now . Most of all, I would like to do activities that help people feel better , healthier and calmer . Whether it's psychotherapy or some other activity, I don't know yet , but I think those answers are very close.

What is your formula for perfect well-being? Sleep, movement , time for yourself, where you can spend a quiet time. I feel the best when everything has a balance between work, rest, movement , sports , time for myself and family , healthy food and small delicious sins . My aspiration is self-respect and knowing that each of us is perfect.

Do you have a hobby? what is he like Why such a hobby? Currently my hobby is all my activities. I also like books, psychology, body and mind knowledge , human knowledge . A newly discovered pastime is windsurfing and power kites , I would like to spend more time on it and better learn to be friends with wind and water.

Femininely curious, so a few questions about beauty, style and of course about us:

What does style and fashion mean in your life? I think that we all have our own style and fashion "brief " . For me, style and fashion are more about what is not desirable and comfortable. High heels , a tight dress or even a bathing suit must first of all be comfortable and beautiful - a woman who feels uncomfortable will not be able to think about style or fashion , let alone feel beautiful i.

What do you think about Bliss By Violeta clothing collections? The first thoughts that come to mind when thinking about Bliss by Violeta clothes are purity, lightness, quality . Also classic, classic not in the boring sense, but in the sense that clothes go with everything and never go out of style . The completeness is very impressive , because it seems that each garment is complete and one to which you will neither add nor take away anything.

Why did you choose Bliss By Violeta? A few years ago , I fell in love with things by Lithuanian designers - clothes , accessories . Bliss by Violeta impressed with its completeness , lightness , neatness and the " cleanliness " of the garment . No unnecessary details , pure and clean colors, lines . It's perfect.

What color range prevails in your closet? There are many different clothes in my closet , but monochromatic clothes are still my favourites . I like pure, colorful and " clean " fabrics. Maybe this choice is a bit boring for others, but I feel best with a solid color garment , made of fabric without details , returns or drawings . That 's probably why I 'm already very impressed with Bliss by Violeta clothes , I want to touch them, wear them .

What does beauty mean to you ? For me , beauty is primarily health, self -confidence and happiness . Shining eyes, a smile, and a sense of freedom . I don't have a "stencil" of beauty , but a happy and healthy woman is always beautiful , because it's always visible on the outside .

Finally, Egl ė :

" Thank you for the opportunity to get to know you and your brand - the wonderful clothes you create for women . _ _ For the first time , I had to measure them and look at them - you want to touch the fabric and the clothes and feel them when you wear them . I am constantly sending my answers and a short introduction . If there is anything else I need to know - or an addition or some additional comment, I will be happy to write ."

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